CASAGRANDA CIGARS In the exciting world of Casagranda Cigars, we proudly present to you the new product catalog. Over 24 pages, a visual journey unfolds that not only reflects the excellence of our cigars but also the passion that goes into every tobacco leaf. A very special highlight awaits you right on the cover: an…
JUBILEE PACKAGING The jubilee packaging for the perfumes “C, P and H” which I created for the 100th jubilee of the Schlossparfumerie are named after the initials of the first names of the family Wolff. The three letters are surrounded by Art Deco inspired ornaments. The ornaments form from plants or other natural ingredients of…
LORO PACKAGING The latest perfume series of the Schlossparfumerie is named “Loro” (Spanish for parrot). It is inspired by the sun and scents of Spain. The colourful illustrations of the parrots together with contemporary typography were printed on little wood boxes which emphasizes the exclusive and individual character of the perfumes.